سيروم المعجزة يقوم بعمل تقشير للبشرة وتحسين ملمسها ، معالجة الحبوب ، تنظيف المسامات بعمق وتنوير/تفتيح البشرة بنفس الوقت
The SOME BY MI AHA BHA PHA 30 Days Miracle Serum is an exfoliating serum that soothes the skin while boosting cell turnover for smoother, clearer skin. Formulated with 14.5% centella asiatica extract, 10,000ppm tea tree leaf water and three different types of acids (AHA, BHA and PHA), this serum brightens, helps treat acne and clear out impurities from your pores.
Size: 50 ml