زيت الأفوكادو النقي 100 ٪ هو زيت نباتي طبيعي غني بالمواد المغذية-
يساعد زيت الأفوكادو الغني بالملمس على إبقاء البشرة طرية ، مع تشحيم الجلد وتشكيل حاجز يمنع فقدان الرطوبة. عند استخدامه كزيت للتدليك ، فهو ناعم ومهدئ ولا يترك أي بقايا دهنية.
- For Soft, Healthy Skin
- Nutrient Rich
Ingredient: Persea Gratissima (Avocado) Oil.
Condition: Skin in need of moisturization.
Solution: 100% Pure Avocado Oil is a natural, nutrient-rich vegetable oil. Heavy in texture, avocado oil helps to keep skin supple, while lubricating the skin and forming a barrier that prevents moisture loss. When used as a massage oil, it’s soft, soothing and leaves no greasy residue.
NOW® Solutions products are analytically tested to assure the highest quality.
100% Pure Avocado Oil can be used as a scalp or skin conditioner, or as an emollient. Also makes a soothing massage oil.
This pure oil is obtained directly from ripe avocados, so naturally occurring particulates or cloudiness may appear.