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Now Foods Solutions Sweet Almond Oil - 473 ml
Regular price6.000 OMR
زيت اللوز النقي هو زيت طبيعي مثالي لتغذية وإنعاش أي نوع من أنواع البشرة. يمتص زيت اللوز بسهولة ولا يسد المسام ، مما يعزز بشرة ناعمة وصحية. هذا الزيت الطبيعي المغذي بالبشرة مثالي لكامل الجسم. زيت اللوز هو زيت طبيعي مشتق من لوز مضغوط
Promotes Healthy-Looking Skin
Condition:For skin in need of clean and natural nourishment, as a moisturizer or for massage.
Solution: 100% Pure Almond Oil is a natural oil that’s perfect for nourishing and reviving any skin type. Almond oil is easily absorbed and won’t clog pores, promoting clear, soft, healthy-looking skin. This natural skin-nourishing oil is ideal for the entire body. Almond oil is a natural oil derived from pressed almonds. Vegetable-derived oils date back to Biblical times, when they were mixed with fragrant herbs to create traditional ointments.